Nanozen’s family of DustCount products provide the advanced features required to support real-time personal aerosol monitoring in a lightweight, wearable, easy to use package. The DustCount enables Industrial Hygienists to use its real-time mass concentration, particle concentration, and size distribution data to determine whether a worker is being exposed to dangerous levels of silica. With the built-in filter cassette, Hygienists can correlate the real-time data using standard method gravimetric analysis and/or composition analysis without the need for an external pump and filter.
Hygienists have used DustCount real-time data, and filter analysis results to…
A Health Canada report examines talcum powder applications and studies the efficacy of real-time particle monitors for monitoring and mitigating exposure risks.
Our DustCount products are utilized globally today across a broad range of industries and applications. Whether you need a PM 2.5, respirable/PM4, or PM 10 monitor Nanozen has a solution for you. Click the icons below to learn more.
Silica and/or coal particle can cause long-term health issues for workers such as cancer, pneumoconiosis and coal workers’ pneumoconiosis.
Many activities in construction can cause particle creation including demolition, excavation, drilling, cutting concrete , sandblasting, aggregate transportation and woodwork.
Many countries, states/provinces and local governments around the world have implemented air quality standards for protection of their citizens as well as the surrounding environment.
Many API’s and PI’s have extremely low OEL’s that must be monitored to protect operators from exposure to various hazardous substances.
Particle can be generated during well drilling or fracking, product delivery, refining and even oilsands operations and can impact the long-term health of workers at these sites.
Silica particle occurs in manufacturing plants producing cement, glass, stone, brick, ceramics, porcelain or when using sand blasting methods.
Dangerous silica particle can be generated in a variety of foundry activities including casting, pouring, de-molding, cast finishing, sand blasting, and cleaning the floors.
The smoke and airborne particulate from widlfires brings dangerous health risks for workers in the smoke-shadow that don’t normally wear Personal Protection Equipment on the job.
Nanozen’s DustCount is a powerful and easy to use tool that helped pinpoint where our real silica issues lay. The real-time data we collected was essential to show process errors that would have otherwise resulted in $300,000 in blast unit repairs.
Learn how Teck is using Nanozen’s cutting-edge particle monitoring technology and making data-driven decisions to reduce employee particle exposure, and improve occupational health and safety.